Jotte Sonneveld
Jotte Sonneveld
Jotte started studying Technical Computer Science at the University of Twente in 2015, and recently graduated from the 4TU master Cyber Security. He is a familiar face at Inter-Actief, being part of the board in 2017/2018 and as a member of countless committees. In their period as a student, Jotte had the pleasure to experience many symposia and congresses in different roles, and is excited to be your host at Symposium Denarius.
Jotte Sonneveld
Jotte Sonneveld
Jotte is a University of Twente alumnus, having completed the TCS Bachelor and the Cyber Security Master, and currently works at Eye Security as a Cyber Security Specialist. He is a familiar face at Inter-Actief, being part of the board in 2017/2018 and as a member of countless committees. During his student days and beyond, Jotte had the pleasure to experience many symposia and congresses in diverse roles. Now, he's thrilled to be your host at Symposium Hephaestus!
Lindsay Kempen
Lindsay Kempen
Lindsay is a University of Twente alumna of the TCS Bachelor and the Data Science Master. At Inter-Actief, she worked hard to improve our education, internationalization, and diversity in activities -- during and outside of her board year in 2017/2018. After an initial role as ML scientist at Amazon, she currently develops software for Picnic to automate the warehouses for your groceries. Her biggest thrill of automation? Seeing a rollercoaster of conveyors performing your algorithms! Having been a long-running host at the TCS Bachelor open days and co-host of symposium Disseminate, she has never-ending curiosity for people's stories. Combined with her love for automation, she is eager to guide you through the day!
Mark Wijsman
Mark Wijsman
Mark Wijsman is an experienced live host of international symposia and events. Previous hosting work includes ASML, TEDx, Tweakers, Insight Enterprises and Rabobank. He enjoys researching new topics and is well versed in the fields of tech and innovation He looks forward to taking you along in the world of finance and tech through an interactive and engaging program.
Coen van de Ven
Coen van de Ven | De Groene Amsterdammer
Coen van de Ven is editor for De Groene Amsterdammer. Choosing between his book or going out on the street was never an easy choice for Coen. First he studied journalism in Utrecht and later on political theories in Edinburgh. The last few years he has been writing stories for various different media outlets like Al Jazeera, Vrij Nederland, De Morgen and RTL Z. While he was writing these stories, he traveled from Srebrenica to Beijing and back to Athene. For De Groene he also wrote a story about the heavily militarised border of Kaliningrad. Coen will try to be wherever people and politics meet each other. Click here for more info on Coen van de Ven.
Desmond Frencken
Desmond Frencken | Vision2Watch
Desmond is owner and founder of Vision2watch. Although he himself mostly has a career in sales, he is the creative mind behind all of the projects Vision2watch has done so far. Together with his colleague Rogier he forms the main core of the team that delivers unique solutions for customers. Click here for more info on Desmond Frencken.
Benjamin Bross
Benjamin Bross | Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications - Heinrich Hertz Institute, Berlin
Benjamin Bross received the Dipl.-Ing. degree in electrical engineering from RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany, in 2008. In 2009, he joined the Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications – Heinrich Hertz Institute, Berlin, Germany, where he is currently heading the Video Coding Systems group at the Video Coding & Applications Department and in 2011, he became a part-time lecturer at the HTW University of Applied Sciences Berlin. Since 2010, Benjamin is very actively involved in the ITU-T VCEG | ISO/IEC MPEG video coding standardization processes as a technical contributor, coordinator of core experiments and chief editor of the High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) standard [ITU-T H.265 | ISO/IEC 23008-2] and the new Versatile Video Coding (VVC) standard [ITU-T H.266 | ISO/IEC 23090-3]. In addition to his involvement in standardization, his group is developing standard-compliant software implementations. This includes the development of an HEVC encoder that is currently deployed in broadcast for HD and UHD TV channels and most recently, the open and optimized VVC implementations VVenC and VVdeC. Benjamin Bross is an author or co-author of several fundamental HEVC and VVC-related publications, and an author of two book chapters on HEVC and Inter-Picture Prediction Techniques in HEVC. He received the IEEE Best Paper Award at the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics – Berlin in 2013, the SMPTE Journal Certificate of Merit in 2014 and an Emmy Award at the 69th Engineering Emmy Awards in 2017 as part of the Joint Collaborative Team on Video Coding for its development of HEVC. Click here for more info on Benjamin Bross.
Ringo Ossewaarde
Ringo Ossewaarde | University of Twente
Ringo Ossewaarde is an associate professor in governance, society & technology at the University of Twente (Faculty of BMS). He is the Head of the Department of Public Administration. There he has published on a variation of topics outside of the computer science field, but he also wrote interesting opinions on the west European politics of AI. His views will provide a different yet refreshing perspective on topics we are all familiar with. Click here for more info on Ringo Ossewaarde.
Ella Velner
Ella Velner | University of Twente
Ella Velner has a bachelor degree in Communication and Information Sciences from VU Amsterdam. There, she learned about linguistics, communication forms and theories and about media and how to analyse it. Thereafter she obtained a master degree in Information Systems from the University of Amsterdam, graduating with a thesis on intonation in robot speech. Thomas Beelen studied Creative Technology here at the University of Twente. Afterwards he completed his master Human Computer Interaction & Design at the UT as well. Right now the two are doing their PhD together here at the UT in the Human Media Interaction (HMI) group.
Alexander van Wijnen
Alexander van Wijnen | FreedomLab
Alexander has studied public policy, history of international relations, and philosophy in the Netherlands and Singapore. Currently Alexander is Researcher & Strategist at Freedomlab. It is a think tank that conducts research on the future of technology, economics, politics, and society. In his research, Alexander focuses on geopolitical shifts, technology and culture. He is a public speaker and his ideas have been published in Het Financieel Dagblad, NRC Handelsblad, and Volkskrant. Click here for more info on Alexander van Wijnen.
Stefan van der Spek & Hans Hoogenboom
Stefan van der Spek & Hans Hoogenboom | TU Delft
Stefan van der Spek and Hans Hoogenboom are both part of the Architecture and Built environment faculty at the TU Delft. At the faculty they are part of the VR-Lab. There they lead a team that “houses one of the best academic labs in virtual reality when it comes to visual representation”. The VR-Lab preoccupies itself with creating a new experience and way of teaching for the students. Stefan and Hans believe that by allowing students to experience their creations in VR, they have created an essential part of the design process for their students. Click here for more info on Stefan van der Spek & Hans Hoogenboom.
André Calero Valdez
André Calero Valdez | RWTH Aachen University
André Calero Valdez is Senior Researcher at the Chair of Communication Science and Human-Computer Interaction Center at RWTH Aachen University.

He studied computer science at RWTH Aachen University, specializing in software engineering and psychology. Due to his excellent degree, he was awarded a doctoral scholarship by the RWTH Aachen University. In his dissertation, André dealt with user-centered development and evaluation of a small-screen device for diabetes patients.

Since 2013, André has been working as a post-doctoral fellow at RWTH Aachen University and deals with the interface between algorithms and humans in different application areas. He works in the fields of empirical social research, technology acceptance, eHealth, industry 4.0, recommendation systems, information visualization and social media.

Since 2014 André has been a visiting professor at the Medical University Graz at the HCI-KDD Group with Prof. Dr. Andreas Holzinger, where his research focuses on the integration of computerized methods and machine learning in health care.

Since 2018 André is the research group leader of the junior research group Digitale Mündigkeit. In this research group, the interaction of recommendation algorithms, social bots, and fake news in social media are investigated. Click here for more info on André Calero Valdez.