om·ni·scient ― \äm-ˈni-shənt\
Having or seeming to have unlimited knowledge
Data Science provides us with an almost unlimited amount of knowledge, we can interpret large datasets
make calculations like never before. With all the new techniques and innovations, there is hardly any
where Data Science is not being used.
This is why on the 6th of February in 2019, the symposium committee of Inter-Actief will
its yearly symposium all about Data Science and its applications.
We are entering many different fields within Data Science and are hardly leaving anything left unspoken.
us show you around the different techniques and innovations that people have created to enhance the
knowledge and productivity of mankind.
With a day full of interesting talks, points for discussion and networking, there is no reason to not
broaden your horizon and get hyped for the continuously growing field of Data Science.
Stay up to date by looking for the Omniscient posters in the upcoming months, where we will be releasing
more information about the symposium.